SuisseCG - This is an investment fraud
SuisseCG creates the impression that investors are provided with perfect opportunities to make money by trading as fast as it is safe. Everything at SuisseCG is investment fraud. Not one cent has been invested. Everything the investor sees on his screen is fake. The money has immediately landed in the pockets of the investment scammers. Nothing is traded at SuisseCG. How does the investor get his money back? What help is there for investment fraud? What can investors do who have been defrauded by SuisseCG?

SuisseCG: Half-Silent Assurances on!
What are the surprised investors being presented with on "With our platform, you have the advantage of trading the largest list of assets in the industry, including the strongest cryptocurrency pairs, stocks, commodities, indices, and forex. Our software allows you to execute instantly with real-time market quotes and an intuitive user interface tailored to the needs and goals of our traders." That's just a small sampling of the implausible promises investors can find on SuisseCG's website. None of these full-bodied promises from SuisseCG have been delivered. Sadly, the dubious business practices rather provide for disappointed investors and bad experiences!
SuisseCG: Hide-and-seek game with the domain entry!
Remarkable for the business practices of the SuisseCG makers is that the website does not contain an imprint. Thus, the complete information about the legally responsible operators of the website is missing. If one takes a look at the domain data of SuisseCG's website, there are no references to the operators. However, one learns that the domain was registered with NameCheap, Inc. as recently as 2019-08-21. The real domain owners are hiding behind the anonymization service Withheld for Privacy ehf.
SuisseCG: Who is behind it?
Answering this question will be rather difficult for many investors, as the SuisseCG makers do everything they can to conceal the true circumstances. However, this is nothing unusual. The perpetrators usually operate several of these websites with the same fraudulent business model. These are created in advance, quickly put online, and just as quickly shut down. The top-level domain is often changed to deceive financial regulators and law enforcement agencies. But who is the operator? On the SuisseCG website, there is only scanty information about this. Although the company Technoric Ltd with the business address Griffith Corporate Centre, 1510, Beachmont, Kingstown, St. Vincent, and the Grenadines is given, the makers of SuisseCG cannot be found under this address. In addition, there is the obligatory support e-mail address and the German telephone number +4932229990008.
SuisseCG: The customer acquisition of the investment scammers
Here, the same procedure can be found again and again: To attract new customers, SuisseCG offers are advertised in all available media and channels. Often these are false promises. Furthermore, they upload films on Youtube or Vimeo, in which interested investors are convinced with fictitious references. Here, supposed celebrities report on their experiences with online trading and cryptocurrencies, often with a misleading reference to the TV show "Die Höhle der Löwen". At the same time, a mostly aggressive affiliate program is launched to motivate others to intensively promote SuisseCG.
SuisseCG: Criminal Business Practices
As soon as the customer has registered on the trading platform, he receives calls from alleged financial brokers who like to refer to their years of experience and their satisfied customer base. In many cases, however, the makers of this business model are fraudsters, against whom the Federal Criminal Police Office and the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) also warn. Usually, the investors start with a small sum as employment. Beforehand, investors are also often motivated to install remote maintenance software, such as AnyDesk or TeamViewer on their computers, so that assistance can supposedly be provided with the first steps. In many cases, the computer is subsequently manipulated and unwanted transactions are carried out. Investment fraudsters also frequently gain access to their victims' online banking in the process. However, what is particularly criminal is when supposed profits are displayed on the trading platform to entice the customer to place further high stakes. In some cases, even small sums are returned to lull investors into a sense of security. Who then does not want to further increase the stakes? But what happens next?
SuisseCG: Repayment of money is subject to conditions
Once in, an exit is mostly impossible. Rather, the administrators of the investment scammers tie the repayment of the money to further deposits. This is where employees come in, claiming supposed tax debts and commission payments. If these are settled, it would come to the disbursement of the allegedly obtained profits. The perpetrators send the investors self-made tax and commission statements, often decorated with fake coats of arms. These would have to be paid urgently. A clearing with the allegedly obtained profits is never possible. If an investor refuses further deposits, senseless transactions convert alleged profits into losses and the customer is maximally damaged. This is not the end of the horror, but investors are permanently confronted with calls from other dubious providers. This indicates that the contact details of the investors are further traded among the investment fraudsters. In the end, a "savior" regularly comes forward, claiming to have uncovered the whole scam. He impresses with his insider knowledge. No wonder, since he is part of the fraud gang. The next rip-off! And of course, the "savior" also wants a small fee - in advance!
SuisseCG: Scheme of investment fraud?
There is no authorization of the trading platform SuisseCG. SuisseCG lacks authorization from a recognized European financial regulator, such as the English Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) or the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySec), which is frequently used by brokers. Likewise, there is no authorization from the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (finma) or the Financial Market Authority (FMA) of Austria, which is responsible for Switzerland. For this, there is a warning issued by the FCA on 10/09/2019. It is not difficult to see that SuisseCG is a scheme of capital investment fraud. All those harmed by SuisseCG are advised to contact an investment fraud attorney immediately.
SuisseCG: Where are the fraudsters active?
The illegal activities of SuisseCG are unfortunately not limited to English-speaking countries. Because SuisseCG addresses German-speaking investors as well, it is only a matter of time until the defrauded investors of this speaker group also come forward. A look at the list of regulators is advisable before any financial commitment to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of investment fraud.
SuisseCG: Investors want their money back!
The mixed situation is by far better than it seems. The aggrieved parties can take legal action against those involved in the investment fraud and demand the return of the money invested. At the moment it is rather unlikely that the investment fraudsters of SuisseCG will be caught in time, but there is reason to hope. Hope because the money flowed through accounts provided by reputable financial institutions. Their managers failed to check the investors' deposits, some of which were large and therefore subject to controls, and their onward transfer for legality. Such negligence made investment fraud possible in the first place.
SuisseCG: They want their money back! How does that work?
With this knowledge, no one would have entered into a business relationship with SuisseCG. Now the only way left for the victims is to try to recover the invested capital. Many investors cannot even imagine that there is a real chance of ever seeing their money again. Probably all of them are now wondering if they can get their money back? Clearly yes! There are numerous legal bases to fall back on. The generic term is "money laundering." When investment fraudsters collect money, the crime of money laundering is committed. Financial institutions must take action against money laundering. This is where one starts with good chances of success. For this purpose, essential questions should be clarified. To which destination were the funds embezzled by SuisseCG taken? Is there a chance that the defrauded investors will get back the money they invested with SuisseCG? What precautions are necessary now? You can get the answers to these questions from a lawyer specializing in capital investment fraud.
SuisseCG: Who can help?
What to do in case of investment fraud? What help in case of investment fraud can the victims of SuisseCG hope for? The victims of SuisseCG will ideally find the help they need with an experienced lawyer for capital investment fraud. He can take care of your case with SuisseCG both in terms of the criminal aspects of the investment fraud, as well as the recovery of funds and possible claims for damages. A lawyer for trading also comes into question, because he is also familiar with the methods of fraudulent brokers, such as SuisseCG.
SuisseCG: Follow the money!
Such abuses in the grey capital market have been pursued by the internationally active investor protection law firm Resch Rechtsanwälte for more than three decades. The procedure of the SuisseCG is in this respect nothing new. Over the decades, Resch Rechtsanwälte has developed an effective arsenal of instruments for tracking down the investments that have disappeared and tracing the money trail. Making funds disappear has become very difficult in the age of the Internet. The more swiftly investors follow the money trail, the more promising it is that they will get back their invested capital. It is now important that investors who have been harmed by the SuisseCG act without delay.
RESCH Attorneys at Law - Experience in investor protection since 1986
If you have become a victim of SuisseCG and want to know if and how you can get your money back, call +49 30 885 9770 or fill out the questionnaire. You will receive a free assessment of your case.
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