Online Broker serious? What experience is there?
Is the Online Broker serious? What are the experiences of investors? Is there a broker rating? These are the questions that investors ask themselves. Usually too late, because they have already become victims of a fraudulent broker or a dubious trading platform. What can the trading victim do if there are problems with the broker and the broker does not pay out?

Online Broker serious: How to recognize it?
The website of the dubious trading platform is perfectly made and also the broker seems serious. How can the investor recognize that everything is fake - simply an investment scam? A look at the website helps. Is there an address? Is there an imprint? If not, are they investment scammers? But address and imprint can be wrong. So no guarantee for a serious trading platform.
Online Broker serious: Are there any warnings?
There are many broker warnings or blacklists for brokers. These include the warnings of the SGK, the warnings under news at RESCH lawyers, and the warnings of investment of Finanztest. In addition, there are warnings from the state supervisory authorities, i.e. BaFin, the Austrian FMA, or the Swiss FINMA. These warnings should be taken seriously. Do not deposit anymore!
Online Broker serious: broker does not pay out
But every trading victim can do a test to see if the broker is reputable. The investor may demand all his money back, but at least the stake. The broker does not pay out. The dubious broker imposes conditions. The broker makes problems. He babbles about the fact that taxes, fees, and whatever else must be paid first before he can pay out. All lies. Now the investor realizes that he has become a victim of investment fraud.
Online Broker serious: Can the police help?
Some of the defrauded investors in their first shock to the police and file a criminal complaint themselves or through a lawyer. They fail to realize that a criminal complaint does not serve to recover the money but to punish the perpetrators. A criminal complaint goes in the wrong direction. The chances are also slim if the recipient bank is asked to repay the money. What to do in case of investment fraud?
Online Broker serious: What help is available in case of investment fraud?
It is a difficult and extremely complex procedure that is necessary to recover the money. Experts agree that reclaiming the money from the bank and filing a criminal complaint is not enough. The lawyer specializing in trading will have to conduct extensive investigations of his own to assign the fraudulent trading platform to the appropriate group of perpetrators. In addition, the trail of the money must be tracked digitally, which in many cases - especially with Bitcoin & Co - requires the use of "rocket science". The results of this investigation must then be brought into a combined civil, criminal, and regulatory proceeding in the jurisdiction of various states. Arguably, every case has an international connection.
RESCH Attorneys at Law - Experience in Investor Protection since 1986
If you are a trading victim and want to know if and how you can get your money back call +49 30 885 9770 or fill out the contact form. You will receive a free assessment of your case.
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