Maximus Finance - BaFin investigates
Maximus Finance gives the impression that investors are offered ideal opportunities to make fast and safe money at the same time with supposedly sustainable investments. At Maximus Finance, everything is investment fraud. The money has landed straight into the pockets of the investment fraudsters. Nothing is traded on Everything the investor sees on his screen serves to mislead investors. Not a cent has been invested. Can you report comparable experiences? What help is available in the case of investment fraud? How do investors get their money back from dubious providers? What can investors do who have been defrauded by Maximus Finance?

Maximus Finance: Information on is fictitious
What are the perplexed prospective investors being presented with on "Our expertise is based on the experience of 166 bond specialists and over 61 LDI specialists. These experts have extensive knowledge of the bond and derivatives markets, which they can bring to bear on pension risk management and actuarial issues." That's just a small sample of the over-the-top assurances that the curious can find on Maximus Finance's website. Not one of these full-bodied promises by Maximus Finance has been kept. Regrettably, the dubious business practices tend to make for disappointed investors and miserable experiences!
Maximus Finance: Who is behind it?
Because the Maximus Finance makers do everything they can to conceal the true circumstances, almost all investors will probably find it difficult to answer this question. Without question, this is not unusual, because the fraudsters usually operate several of these websites with the same fraudulent business model. Such websites are continuously created, put online without interruption and just as quickly taken offline again; moreover, the top-level domain is changed again and again in order to evade the financial supervisory authorities and law enforcement agencies. But on 09.01.2023, BaFin published a warning against Maximus Finance.
But who is the operator of Maximus Finance?
On the website there is no really usable information on this. Admittedly, the company Maximus Finance is listed with the business address The Shard, 32 London Bridge St, London SE1 9SG, United Kingdom. The makers of Maximus Finance can certainly not be found at this address, as it is at best a letterbox company. In addition, the e-mail address and the British telephone number +44 203 603 87 17 can be found there. The domain was registered on 06.04.2022 with, LLC.
Maximus Finance: Scheme of the investment fraud
The investment fraud clearly runs according to the well-known pattern: investors initially put in a small sum - usually 250 euros - and are impressed by how quickly this amount increases, so that they are prepared to "invest" ever higher sums. The conflicts start as soon as an investor wants to have his money paid out, because now, ostensibly, taxes, commissions, fees or whatever have to be paid first. Unfortunately, many investors only realise belatedly that they have fallen for an investment fraud and that there was never any intention of paying out the money again.
Maximus Finance: What help is available in the event of investment fraud?
Many defrauded investors ask themselves how to act in the case of investment fraud, because criminal charges hardly make sense, since criminal charges are mainly used for prosecution, but not for recovering the money. What kind of help can be used in investment fraud cases and how do affected investors get their money back? A lawyer specialising in investment fraud must know how to follow the money trail, because as they used to say, money isn't gone, it's somewhere else. Now it can be added: It is difficult, but with the appropriate tools it is possible to systematically trace money digitally - even if it was transferred with Bitcoin via a Crypto Exchanger.
RESCH Rechtsanwälte GmbH - Experience in investor protection since 1986
If you have been a victim of Maximus Finance and want to know if and how you can get your money back, call +49 30 885 9770 or fill out the questionnaire. You will receive a free assessment of your case.
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