JuicyFields - Ponzi scheme with no business activity
According to the investigation so far, Juicy Fields is a pyramid scheme. There was no business model at JuicyFields based on the cultivation and exploitation of cannabis. No wonder, then, that there was no need for an established office operation. At the new address in Rokin 92 in Amsterdam, there is no reference to JuicyFields or Juicy Holding B.V., as attorney Jochen Resch had to find out during a site visit. At best, there is a mailbox address in the Rokin Business Center. All indications speak for the fact that JuicyFields is a snowball system.

JuicyFields: How does a Ponzi scheme work?
A Ponzi scheme is characterized by the fact that the alleged returns are not or only to a small extent generated by the alleged business model, but the payouts to investors are financed by the deposits of subsequent investors. And the revenues bubbled for JuicyFields at first plentifully. But later, the payout obligations become correspondingly higher. Any such business model is doomed to collapse. It is - as with JuicyFields - only a matter of time.
JuicyFields: How do investors get their money back?
Quite a several investors have already filed a criminal complaint with the police. But does that help? But the victims of JuicyFields must be aware that a criminal complaint serves the purpose of criminal prosecution, but not primarily the recovery of the money. Other avenues have to be explored here. We follow the trail of the money. Money is never gone, only somewhere else, they used to say. Today, one can add to this saying: Money can almost always be tracked digitally. This is difficult and highly complex - but using the right technology, we achieve surprising success.
RESCH Attorneys at Law - Experience in Investor Protection since 1986
If you have been a victim of Juicy Fields and want to know if and how you can get your money back, call +49 30 885 9770 or fill out the questionnaire. You will receive a free assessment of your case.
See also:
Juicy Holdings - Cannabis Investment Fraud
Juicy Fields - Investors' experiences
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