InvestOFund - Read Reviews Before You Buy
To the platform, InvestOFund (also: InvestOFund Group) our internal research department could already gather some information. InvestOFund gives the impression that investors are granted fantastic opportunities to make money as quickly as safely by trading foreign currencies, indices, cryptocurrencies, stocks, precious metals, and energies. However, everything at InvestOFund is an investment scam. Nothing at all is traded on The money immediately landed in the pockets of the investment fraudsters. Everything, which sees the investor on its screen, serves the deception. Not a cent has been invested. Have you had similar experiences? What help is there for investment fraud? How does the investor get his money back from dubious providers? What can investors do who have been defrauded by InvestOFund?

InvestOFund: Dubious promises
What is served to the perplexed visitors on there? You have noticed that the website makes a very professional impression. A direct approach, supposedly interesting offers as well as the reference to care by the coworkers, which is to lead to a convincing net yield and profits. All this seems very convincing. As an unsuspecting investor, you are not in a position to realize that you are merely being played a game and that not a single cent of your money is being invested. All the money ends up right in the pockets of the perpetrators, who of course do not trade with the investors' money either. Disappointingly the dubious business behavior provides rather for disappointed investors and miserable experiences!
InvestOFund: Who is behind it?
InvestOFund does not contain a revealing imprint, which should prevent the perpetrators from being too easy to identify. Also, the domain data of the website does not contain any hint of who once registered it, but only that the registration took place on 06.12.2022 at NameCheap, Inc. and the real domain owners - unsurprisingly for us - hide behind an Icelandic anonymization service called Withheld for Privacy ehf based in Reykjavik.
But who is the operator of InvestOFund?
Besides the obligatory support e-mail address, no telephone number is offered to potential investors. Neither a business address nor the name of a possible managing director is betrayed to one, not even the country, from which the company is to originate. Thus, it remains unclear which legal framework conditions apply if one gets involved in business with InvestOFund. In our opinion, entrepreneurial transparency should look different.
InvestOFund: International searches
The worldwide search for InvestOFund in the relevant registers leads to no results. The InvestOFund is a fantasy product. But with our research instruments, the Investigations team succeeded in picking up the trail of the investment fraudsters. It is now certainly only a matter of time before regulatory institutions become aware of the group of perpetrators around InvestOFund to warn against their criminal activities.
InvestOFund: Scheme of the investment fraud
The investment fraud plays itself out according to the recurring scheme: investors enter with a small sum - usually 250 euros - and quickly experience how this amount multiplies so that they are ready to "invest" higher and higher sums. The quarrels open up as soon as an investor wants to have his money paid out, because then flimsily at once taxes, commissions, fees, or whatever must be paid. Most investors notice unfortunately only too late that they sat on investment cheats, and never had the intention to disburse the money again.
InvestOFund: What help is there for investment fraud?
How with investment fraud act is, ask themselves many damaged investors, because a criminal complaint to place, makes little sense because criminal complaints serve primarily the prosecution, but not the recovery of the money. What kind of help can one hope for in investment fraud cases and how do the aggrieved investors get their money back? The lawyer specializing in investment fraud knows how to follow the traces of the money because as they used to say, money is never gone, but unfortunately somewhere else. Now it can be added: It is challenging, but with the right tools it is possible to systematically track money digitally - even if it was deposited with Bitcoin via a Crypto Exchanger.
RESCH Rechtsanwälte GmbH - Experience in investor protection since 1986
If you have been a victim of InvestOFund and want to know if and how you can get your money back, call +49 30 885 9770 or fill out the questionnaire. You will receive a free assessment of your case.
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