Consor Trade - Fraud with Porsche stocks
Consor Trade gives the impression that investors are provided with fantastic opportunities to make both fast and safe money by buying Porsche AG shares. At Consor Trade, everything is investment fraud. Everything that the investor sees on his screen serves to mislead the investor. The money immediately landed in the pockets of the investment scammers. Nothing is traded on Not a cent has been invested. Can you tell us about similar experiences? What can investors who have been defrauded by Consor Trade? What help is available in case of investment fraud? How can investors get their money back from dubious providers?

Consor Trade: Shady promises
What must the astonished prospective customers read on "We have helped thousands of clients achieve their goals through Wealth management tailored to their individual needs, excellent service, and dedicated investment advisors..." This is just a small sample of the untrustworthy promises that the curious can find on Consor Trade's website. Not one of these given assurances of Consor Trade was kept. Unpleasantly, the disturbing business practices rather provide disappointed investors and miserable experiences!
Consor Trade: Who is behind it?
Because the Consor Trade makers do everything they can to conceal the true circumstances, many investors will probably have trouble answering this question. This is not unusual, because the scammers mostly operate several of these websites with the same fraudulent business model. These are produced continuously, uploaded to the Internet without pause, and shut down just as swiftly, plus the top-level domain is often changed to confuse financial regulators and law enforcement agencies. On 11/26/2022, BaFin nevertheless published a warning about Consor Trade.
But who runs Consor Trade?
There is no usable information about this on Consor Trade's website. Certainly, the company ConsorTrade, Consor Trade, C.Trade admittedly without naming a legal form, is given with the business address 10 Paternoster Sq., London EC4M 7LS, United Kingdom, but the makers of Consor Trade are not to be found there, after all, it is a mailbox company. In addition, the e-mail address and the British telephone number +44 1274 298220 can be found there. The domain was registered with NameCheap, Inc. on 26.10.2022.
Consor Trade: Scheme of the investment fraud
Investment fraud notoriously follows the same pattern: investors initially put in a small amount of money - usually 250 euros - are impressed by how quickly this amount increases and are therefore willing to "invest" higher and higher sums. The troubles show up when an investor wants to have his money paid out, because now flimsily first of all taxes, commissions, fees or anything else must be paid. Many investors discover much too sluggishly that they have fallen for investment fraud and never had the intention to pay out the money again.
Consor Trade: What help is there for investment fraud?
Many angry investors ask themselves how to act in the case of investment fraud since criminal charges make little sense because criminal charges are primarily for prosecution and not for recovering the money. What kind of help is available in case of investment fraud and how do affected investors get their money back? The lawyer specializing in investment fraud must know how to trace the money, because as they used to say, money is never gone, but unfortunately somewhere else. Nowadays, one can add: It is challenging, but with the right tools it is possible to track money systematically digitally - even if it was deposited with Bitcoin via a Crypto Exchanger.
RESCH Rechtsanwälte GmbH - Experience in investor protection since 1986
If you have been a victim of the Consor Trade and want to know if and how you can get your money back, call +49 30 885 9770 or fill out the questionnaire. You will receive a free assessment of your case.
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