Lawyer Jochen Resch

Jochen Resch studied at the Free University of Berlin. He has been a lawyer since 1983. Since 1986, Jochen Resch has been working for the protection of aggrieved investors. Jochen Resch is managing partner of the investor protection law firm Resch Rechtsanwälte GmbH. He is the managing director of RESCH DebiProtect Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH.
Jochen Resch has been active in investor protection since 1986. He is one of the founders of the Schutzgemeinschaft für geschädigte Kapitalanleger e.V. (SGK). The SGK is a non-profit institution and a member of the consumer advice center in Berlin, the consumer advice center in Brandenburg and the new consumer advice center in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.
For many years, Jochen Resch was a member of the Grey Capital Market Working Group at the Consumer Advice Center Berlin and the Grey Capital Market Working Group at the Federation of German Consumer Organizations (VZBV).
He belongs to the founders of the 1993 created promotion association of the consumer advice Dahm - Spreewald registered association and is since then chairman of this association.
Since 2000, he has held a monthly consultation hour at the office of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern consumer advice center in Rostock for victims of the gray capital market.
Since 2000, he was a member of the board of the Brandenburg Consumer Center and was chairman of the board of the Brandenburg Consumer Center from 2009 to 2020.
Jochen Resch was a member of the sponsoring association of the Consumer Information Center (VIZ) of the Brandenburg Consumer Center in Frankfurt/Oder. The VIZ is active across borders for consumers from Germany and Poland in solving their legal problems in the field of consumer protection.
Jochen Resch was a member of the creditors' committee of IBEKA(Eurogroup) and is a member of the creditors' committee of Wohnungsbaugesellschaft Leipzig West and a member of the creditors' committee of Volkssolidarität Sozialimmobilien in Rostock.
Attorney Jochen Resch is portrayed in the book "Exzellente Untenehmen. Hidden Stars of Medium-Sized Businesses". You can read the excerpt "Mission: Creating Law" here. Also worth reading is the article Resch Rechtsanwälte: "On the right track through specialization", and the article: Best Practice Resch Rechtsanwälte >> Delegation and Trust <<
Contact: Jasmin Laggies, Assistant to the Managing Director
Phone: +49 30 - 885 977 17
E-mail: jasmin.laggies@
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